Walking along the banks of a local stream, this snowy egret walked right into the light providing some awesome backlighting.
A very fast shutter speed caught this beautiful ruby throated humming bird as it was coming in for a landing. A magnificent animal.
Well they were peacefully sitting on this foggy day… until I walked up :)
This beautiful Red Bird was hiding in among the trees, but my spot focus locked in.
Looking Tough! yet beautiful this Cardinal was giving me the eye!
Defying gravity, this beautiful woodpecker was searching for breakfast on this day.
Perched high on a dead tree, on the lookout for it’s next meal, this Night Heron looked majestic.
Flying with absolute precision, this little guy pokes and prods around these flowers in search of nectar.
Walking along the banks of a local stream, this snowy egret walked right into the light providing some awesome backlighting.
A very fast shutter speed caught this beautiful ruby throated humming bird as it was coming in for a landing. A magnificent animal.
Well they were peacefully sitting on this foggy day… until I walked up :)
This beautiful Red Bird was hiding in among the trees, but my spot focus locked in.
Looking Tough! yet beautiful this Cardinal was giving me the eye!
Defying gravity, this beautiful woodpecker was searching for breakfast on this day.
Perched high on a dead tree, on the lookout for it’s next meal, this Night Heron looked majestic.
Flying with absolute precision, this little guy pokes and prods around these flowers in search of nectar.